Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lauren's Show Week at Gymnastics

06/03/10: Lauren had "Show week" at Little Gym. This is when they do a little routine of all the things they have been learning in class. She always gets so excited to show us how good she is doing. Her teachers say that she has amazing upper body strength for such a little girl. She learns very quickly what is being taught and she always wants to go first to try something new. She truly loves this class. The problem is that she wants to continue gymnastics and take a tap/ballet class too!!! Hmmm, how will we make that work??? She just loves it and is so good at it.

1 comment:

winegoddess55 said...

What a lovely blog, what a lovely family! I too have a large and awesome family, and would like to follow yours, if that's okay?