Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Justin's Octopus Diorama

05/25/10: Today Justin did an oral report on his Octopus Diorama. He was given this assigment a few weeks ago. He was assigned the Octopus. Justin and Jason went to the library to check out an Octopus book. He studied the book to learn all about it so he could answer all the questions for his report.

Then we went to the craft store to get stuff to make his diorama. What fun that was. He wanted to paint the inside blue first, then when he saw the water paper, he was really excited about that. He rubbed glue all over his hands to spread it over the bottom and then he sprinkled the bottom with real sand, (which we got out of the nieghbors sand box...hee hee) then we pulled out the big box of sea shells that Aunt Bonnie had sent us from Sanibel. He picked through tons of shells trying to find the right ones. We also got some sea life figurines from the craft store. But the big Octopus was his already. He did most of the hot gluing, with a little help from me so he didn't burn himself.
He was so proud of his completed project. It turned out great and he knew it!!!

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