Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lauren's last day of school, Clown/Circus day

06/08/10: Lauren's last day of preschool. She was so excited. It was circus/clown day and she was able to dress up. She picked Mini Mouse. She was the only Mini mouse too, which she liked. All the teachers and staff dressed up too and played games.
The two ladies with the big wigs.....those are her two teachers, Ms. Brooke and Ms. Beata. Lauren loves her teachers. She had such a great year and learned so much. Her teachers made Lauren a head band, which she was so happy about. She will probably want to wear it every day.
She also got her face painted with a butterfly and an rainbow. What a great way to end her time at Challenger. She will be going to Hunter Elementary for Kindergarten next year. Finally her and Justin will be at the same school. Makes life easier for me for sure.

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