Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Justin's last day of 2nd grade

06/07/10: This was Justin's last day of school. There is not as many pictures of his day as there are of Lauren's.....I forgot my camera and was taking what few pictures I did with my cell phone. Mommy goofed!!!
Justin's last day was filled with fun, they watched a fun movie and then had water fun stations outside. They played different fun games and got soaking wet. He loved it. Then after they had snow cones, which they all loved. His teacher Mrs. Knight was truly an amazing teacher. I am so grateful that he had her this year. He learned so much and she taught in an amazing way. Teaching is truly her calling in life. I just hope he gets an amazing teacher next year!!!
Justin will be in 3rd grade next year. Which means he finally gets to go to the "Big Kid" playground. That is a huge thing to him and he can't wait. He thinks that he will be able to ride his bike to school alone......probably not!!!!! We are way to protective for that, maybe when he is 13...hahaha.
Til next year......

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