Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Justin's School Field Trip

04/06/10: Justin class when on a field trip to the Boise Zoo and the Idaho Historical Museum. He rode the bus and I followed in a car with another parent. He has so much fun running around with his friends. At the museum they also had a Marionette Show. He really liked that. They did a play on the Chinese in Idaho back during the gold rush.
After the Museum we had lunch in the park then headed to the Zoo. We were split into groups of 5. We have been to the zoo before, but they change it so often it is like new each time. We had a chart of different animals that they had been learning about in class, so we had a clip board with a check list to see which group can find all the animals. Justin is so well behaved at school, we are so proud of him for that.

1 comment:

D and C said...

He is so freaking cute. I seriously am NOT ready for him to be this big!!! He really is a special little boy, so not ready for him to grow up!!