Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter 2010

04/04/10: Easter 2010.....What a fun day. It was also Spring Break from school for the kids. So the day before Easter was a busy day and also my Birthday. We went out to breakfast and then over to my parents to see all my siblings and their families. Then we came home for a while and Colored Easter Eggs. Then we ALL went out to dinner to Tucano's. That is a super fun place. It was so good and we had a great time.
Easter morning was nice a relaxing. I slept in for a bit which was nice. The kids enjoyed going through their Easter baskets from the Easter Bunny and the baskets that Grandma Nancy sent for them. They were super excited to come down stairs and see TWO baskets each for them. I woke up and started baking my super yummy Carrot cake and also making deviled eggs. Yummy!!! Deviled eggs are so good and EVERYONE in my family LOVES them. They are usually gone first. So you have to make like 3 dozen of them......seriously!!!
We got to my parents house and everyone was there. Seeing the family was so fun and the kids of course love it. They love seeing and playing with their cousins. They played all day. We had a great Easter Egg hunt too. We must have hid 100 eggs. Some easy for the little kids and some great super hard ones for the older kids. They had a great time looking for them and everyone got enough for sure!!!
Dinner was fantastic as always!!! If there is one thing that my family is good at, that is making good food and lots of it. So to a wonderful Easter in 2010, and to many more in the future!!

1 comment:

D and C said...

I love the pictures of Emma and Lauren. SO CUTE. We need to take some more!!!
Had lots of fun.