Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

Lauren had her party at her school. It was super cute. She got to wear her costume and do a little song and parade with her class in front of all the parents.

This is Lauren's friend Gia.

This is Lauren & Gia with their teachers, Mrs. Beatta & Mrs. Brooke.

Then we went to the church for the party there. Justin missed this too because he was still sick. Lauren did the cupcake walk, and got a yummy cupcake that she shared with me, and this is a photo of her friend Emme, who is also our neighbor.

Then we went to Johnny & Kely's to Trick or Treat with Waylon. Caryn & Caitlyn caught up with us too. It was so fun and the kids were so cute. Caitlyn was a fairy and Waylon was a cowboy. Justin was a dirt bike rider.

They were so cute and used their manors too, they said Thank you each time they were given candy.

Waylon loves Justin, he ran up to him and walked next to him and reached up to hold Justin's hand. Seriously, the cutest thing.

Lauren got tired of walking and made Daddy carry her.

10/31/09: Halloween 2009.
So this year was a little different. The kids were both sick the whole week leading up to Halloween. That was a bummer for sure. Justin was sick the longest, most the week. Lauren's only lasted a few days. So Justin missed his school party and was not able to go to the church party either. So that is why there are more pictures of Lauren then there are of Justin. Justin just wanted to make sure he was better by Halloween so he could go trick or treating. Because that is all that matters you know????


D and C said...

They all looked so cute. I love Lauren's wig. I am sure that will be worn beyond halloween! lol!! They look like they had so much fun, I wish I could have been there!! SO CUTE!!!
miss you guys. Happy Halloween!

D and C said...

p.s. Krissy, I LOVE your hat. Super cute. You and Mare could have been twins!!

Anonymous said...

Hello from Russia!
Can I quote a post "No teme" in your blog with the link to you?