Tuesday, October 13, 2009

10/12/09: Waylon Turns 3!!!!! We had a small family Birthday party for Waylon and my parents house on Sunday. He was so excited. Waylon is so happy to be here with all his cousins. He is so full of energy and wants to play all the time. He loves it. We had the party at my parents house so the kids could ride their dirt bikes. Waylon got a new dirt bike for his Birthday too. He was super excited about that too. He wants to do everything that Justin does. So the kids rode around the yard and Justin & Johnny raced. Johnny loves that, he is a big kid himself. Then we had dinner and then sang to Waylon, he was so cute, he got a little shy and was burying his head in Kely's shoulder. Not sure how to react to all of us singing to him right in his face. It was super cute though. Then he blew out his candles, which he really liked too.
Then we opened presents.....that was so fun for him. He got a new magna doodle, and old western pistols with a holster, and art supplies, a new hippity hop, a wooden tool box and play tools, and then a new Radio Flyer scooter. He was so excited about all of them and a little overwhelmed I think too. Then we played pin the tail on the donkey. He liked that too but I think he enjoyed watching the other kids do it more them him doing it. He played so hard that day, I am sure he slept really good that night!!!!! Happy Birthday Waylon!!!!!

1 comment:

D and C said...

He was so much fun to watch. There is nothing cuter than watching the cousins play. So much fun. We really did have a great weekend.