Saturday, October 10, 2009

Justin's school Jog-a-thon

10/09/09: Justin's school Jog-a-thon was today. He was so excited. It is the biggest fundraiser of the year, and the one the kids most enjoy. They talk about it all week and can't wait for it to be their turn. I was there all day, being on the PTA board I kind of had to. Jason came down during Justin's running time. We cheered him on and marked his name tag every time he finished a lap. Lauren cheered for him too, she was so cute and excited for him. Justin ended up running 15 laps!!!! We were shocked. We thought he would only get about 8. He did awesome. So now we wait and see which class got the most combined laps too. That should be interesting. We will keep you posted.

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