Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011

4/24/11: Easter 2011

What fun we had today! The weather was great and the kids had a great time. The food was de-lish of course and so were the desserts!!! Justin & Lauren love playing with their cousins. The little ones, Laney & Emma were absolutely adorable.

The Easter Bunny brought the kids some candy and Justin got the Star Wars 3 DS game and Lauren got the new Tangled Movie, (she was pretty much expecting that from the Bunny) Then they got great treats and gifts from both grandparents, and some great cards with money from Auntie Bonnie to add to their bank account. Our family is truly blessed with such great family members that love them and are such great parts of their lives.

Happy Easter!

1 comment:

D and C said...

Glad we got to be there. Love you guys. Happy Easter.