Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Justin's Snow Board lessons

12/20/10: Justin started his first Snow boarding lesson on Monday. He is taking 4 lessons in a row up at Bogus Basin. He LOVES it!!!! This was his Birthday gift. Jason has been taking him. Wednesday Jason went up and also skied for the first time in about 15 years!!! He said it was like riding a bike! He had a great time and I think this is something that they will both continue to do. Next year Lauren and I will take lessons too!!! What fun, we might as well take advantage of the the Ski slopes being so close to our house, and Tamarack, and Sun Valley. Plenty of places to go.
Here is a video of Justin on a slope...he did awesome, only his third lesson. Make sure you go down and pause the music at the bottom then come back up and play video.

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