Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas with Grandma & Papa Pimentel

12/17/10: Grandma & Papa Pimentel come for Christmas. What fun we had. Justin & Lauren were so excited for them to get here. We baked cookies before they got here. They were so good. We all went to church on Sunday, Justin & Lauren sang with the primary two Christmas songs. They were so cute and did a great job!
We all went to a Christmas party and a friend of mines house, and there was a special surprise visitor that showed up. ( Santa) and he brought two small gifts for the kids.
We had our Christmas morning on Sunday before church, the kids opened their great gifts from Grandma & Papa. They were pretty excited with all the new toys they got. After church we made a nice ham dinner, it was pretty yummy!!!
Monday they went to Justin's first snow board lesson. Oh and I almost forgot, on Friday night we went to see Christmas fireworks at the Hawks Stadium. It was cold, but fun!!! Nice to see fireworks more then just on 4th of July!!!
We had a great visit with Grandma & Papa, we were sad to see them until your next Visit.........Merry Christmas!!!

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