Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Camping & riding in Idaho City

7/16/10: We went riding and camping this weekend up in Idaho City. It was so fun. My parents, Caryn, Bryan, Christina, Johnny, Waylon, Scott, Robin and Little Johnny all came. (Scott is Caryn's friend and Robin and Little Johnny are his two kids) We played in the river which was so nice. The water was a bit cool, but once you got in it was great, plus it was HOT so that made it even nicer. The kids had a ball playing in the river. Justin would go up stream a little ways and float the current down. He loved that. The water was so clear and clean, it was amazing. The views were amazing too. We have defiantly fallen in love with this place.
The riding was amazing too. I went on my first really long ride, about 40 miles. I did pretty good, only crashed once!!!! We went up the mountain and the views from up there were even better. What a beautiful place!!!! This is what Idaho is really about!!!! Camping was great, and the kids had a blast, we made smores every night of course. We can't wait to go back soon!!!
Here is a video clip of Justin floating with the river current, and yes he is wearing a pink barbie life jacket....that is all we had...hahaha (don't forget to pause the music at bottom of blog before you play video)


D and C said...

Just another FEW reasons we want to move there SO bad!!!!! Glad you guys have fun!!!!

D and C said...

ps. LOVE THE NEW background!!!

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