Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Dirt bike riding

2/12/10: We went dirt bike riding this weekend. It was so fun. We took the RV and stayed the night. The 8 of us sleep well in it. Justin was in heaven of course, and Johnny and Jason did some good riding too. They say that the riding is endless. The trails go on for as far as the eye can see and farther. There are a few pictures of them on top of a ridge looking out onto more trails. Lauren and Waylon rode around alot too. Lauren was having a blast. She is getting so good at riding. She makes her daddy proud. Justin did some good jumping as well. He is getting more and more brave for sure. We are just having so much fun here in Idaho. We wonder why we didn't move sooner!!! It was alos Laney's first bike trip and first RV sleep over too. She did so good and was such a great baby!!! And not to mention she is so cute.

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