Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Justin's first Cub Scout event

2/16/10: Tonight Justin had his first Pack meeting for Cub Scouts. He was super excited. It was also the 100th birthday celebration for scouts. So we had the Blue & Gold Banquet. Justin made a cake and decorated it himself, and was judged on it. He was also awarded his very first badge. The Bobcat badge. He had to do a few things, mostly memorizing the scout oath and the hand shake and the code and that kind of stuff. Now that he had his Bobcat badge, he can start working on his Wolf badge. Which is the den that he is in. When you start scouts you have to be 8 and the first den you are in is the Wolf den, and then as you age up your den changes, so the next one would be Bear. So he has a year to complete all the items to earn his Wolf badge in order for him to move up to Bear. As you age and move up the badges get harder and harder to earn. Justin is so excited to start this. He is going to learn so many things and it is going to help his confidence and personality so much. So keep an eye out for more posts about Justin and his scouting.
Here is a video clip of his part of the skit he did....turn off the music below first!!!

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