Monday, December 7, 2009

First snow!!!!!

12/7/09: It SNOWED!!!!! We woke up this morning to a beautiful sight. The kids were so excited. They ran downstairs and wanted to go out side. So with it being a school morning also, we had them eat then brush teeth and then got their snow clothes on and were able to go outside to play for about 15 minutes, then they had to come in to finish getting ready for school. Of course they asked to stay home today.......Not going to happen.
But it was fun and they were super excited. I made Jason drive the kids to school in his truck, because my car does not have 4 wheel drive. And I was scared to drive in it. I know, I am a chicken and I need to get use to it, which I will, but it was the fist day. So after we dropped the kids off we switched and I drove home......very very slow!!!!
We are hoping for a white Christmas!!!!!


D and C said...

That is awesome!!! We woke to the same thing two days ago. WE LOVE IT!! It's so beautiful!

Jennifer said...

That is so cool, i bet the mountain is covered.It snowed a lot here last night it even stayed all too you guys soon.