Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas 2009

Santa brought Justin Lego's and Lauren a princess castle.

Santa brought the kids new fishing poles.

Justin's new sweatshirt,

Scarf made by Bonnie.

JP & Justin's beanies, made by Bonnie.

Inside joke.......hahaha.

Lauren got a new fancy purse!!!!

Justin's new jersey.....personalized!!!!

Lauren's first American Girl doll/baby.

A Bronco Steering wheel from Aunt Bonnie. He was SO excited about this!!!

Lauren made this portrait of herself at school.

The princess collection of ALL the princesses.

Justin's new robe.

Skate board/bike ramps.

Hershey outfit from Aunt Bonnie.

Both their new robes. They have been asking for robes forever.

New Harley shirt from Lake Placid. Nice!!!

Make your own quilt...this should be so much fun!!! She also got a make your own scarf too.

An Awesome Erector set. He was very excited about this.

Lauren sporting her new roller skates. Can we all say ER visit!!!!

Justin giving Dad some thank you hugs.

And huggies from Lauren too. Mommy did get hugs and thank yous behind the camera.

Stocking time.

Stocked full of goodies.

Idaho plates for their bikes.....$0 registration fees though......hee hee

Justin is offical too.

Sporting our new family attire from Hershey. JP got jammie pants, but he is taking the pictures.

We wore these to my parents house.

Lauren loves her new hat from Aunt Bonnie. It does fit better but she had a ponytail in.

12/25/09: Christmas 2009. So many pictures, I could not decide which ones to post, so I choose almost all of them. Where to begin......the kids were so excited to come down stairs. But they waited and came and woke us up first. Santa brought them each a new fishing pole and Justin a "Big" Lego, and Lauren a Princess Castle.
Then we started in on all the other gifts. Thank you to all that sent gifts to us. So nice of you all. We had such a great morning. Justin & Lauren were so happy with everything they got. And so loving to us anf thankful too. That is so wonderful.
After all the caos of opening presents ended, I tried to start cleaning up. Where do you begin!!!!! Jason ended up back in bed napping......(how did that happen?) While I was stuck making the kids breakfast and cleaning up...... Then we headed over to my parents house to hang out and have a wonderful Christmas dinner, which you will read about in the next post from Christmas Eve.
Now it is all over and the mess is cleaned up, and all the boxes broken down, and the kids carried all their loot up to their rooms. So until next year.....Merry Christmas to you all!!!!

1 comment:

D and C said...

I loved all of the pictures. You guys are the cutest family. Thanks for sharing. Christmas was amazing, and it looks like yours was as well. Glad we got to be together this year!