Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Justin gets teeth pulled & Lauren gets tubes in her ears

11/18/09: Lauren had tubes put in her ears on Tuesday. She did really good. It took about 10 minutes. They brought her out still unconscious, she had not come to yet, they laid her in Jason's arms and we just waited for her to wake up. When she did, she sat up and then buried her head in Jason's chest then, she lifted her head again and said "I'm Hungry, can we go to Cracker Barrel for breakfast" It was funny. She was hungry. She did not even cry or anything. Other kids that were there were crying and freaking out when they woke up, because they feel weird or disoriented from the anesthesia. But she did great.
So we did go to Cracker Barrel for breakfast, and then we let her pick a toy for being so brave. She picked a mermaid doll. Then later that day, the door bell rang, and it was flowers for Lauren from her Auntie Bonnie!!!! She is so thoughtful sending her love to Lauren all the way from PA. She was so excited. Lauren already loves getting flowers, even at this young age.
So today, Justin went to the dentist to have his two bottom front teeth pulled. He was a little nervous, but did great, and even said afterwards, "That was easy, I didn't even fell it" He had to have them pulled because one of his adult teeth starting coming in behind the baby teeth, and the baby teeth were no where near coming out or even getting loose, they were in there really good still. So we had them pulled so that they did not effect the adult tooth and it's growing pattern. He was such a trooper. And he is pretty excited now that he finally has some missing teeth, like all his friends.
Now we just have to figure out how to pay for all this.....hahahaha!!! (no seriously)


MARE + 3= CRAZY!!! said...

WOWZERS!!! Now that's some exciting times in the Pimentel Household! Please give Lauren & Justin a BIG HUGE LOVIE from their Auntie Mare. Tell them I said they are little studdettes for being so awesome & brave!! Also telthem I LOVE THEM TO PIECES!!!

Oh yea & SUPER CUTE PICS, thanks for sending them to me. They are on the fridge. I will have to send you mykids pics too, I am little behind, what's new. I will just bring them with us when we come for Christmas which is in just a few weeks YEAH!!!! I can't wait, well not for the driving of 12 hours, but the other part... being there with all you guys.


D and C said...

That is so awesome for Justin. I am so glad he did so well. Tell him he is a stud. Poor Lauren. I love that little girl. I am so glad she did ok too.
Tell her I love her.
Miss you guys. I am at a hotel, its 4 in the morning and I can't sleep!!! NICE!!! See you guys soon.