Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sister's Weekend

10/10/09: Last weekend we had our annual Sister's weekend. It was held at my house this year. We had so much fun. Marianne flew up from Ca, and Deanna drove up from UT, and the rest of us were already here. Except for Desi, she was stuck in CA with work and was not able to get away, but we made some crafts to send to her so she does not feel too left out. Desi we missed you and thought of you often. Next year you will be here. It was so much fun to hang out and do a bunch of crafts, and eat and cook, and veg.
Not the say that we did not biker and gripe at each other, but that is what we do as sisters. My mom kind of planned the most of it with a little help from Deanna. Marianne made a Yummy pasta dish for dinner on Friday night and my moms good friend Lisa Corn came over and taught us how to sew. We all made jammie pants. Some turned out better then others, and some of us caught on to sewing better then others. It was quite entertaining. Then the next morning we made pumpkin kitties, and picture frames with our initials in them with decorative paper in the background. Hung by cute simple black bows. You would have to see them in person to appreciate them. We made yummy BLT's for lunch and ate a bunch of candy too!!!!!
It is nice to get away from the kids and husbands for a while and let go of our normal responsibilities, and just veg with our sisters. (of course with this function being at my house, my kids popped in from time to time) We laughed and joked and made fun of each other and my mom of course. Friday was a late night and I think we were all delirious by the end of the night. But still had so much fun.
I truly enjoyed spending time my mom and each of my sisters and my sister-in-law. I am looking forward to it next year. I have volunteered to plan it, and I am excited to get started and have it be a surprise and be so much fun. So be on your toes girls for next year.
Love you all!!!! And thanks for a great day!!!


Anonymous said...

From the "missing" sister :0) I thought of you ALL during this time and missed you all so much! I love each and every one of you ans since I am the oldest, I was there when each of you born and remember ALL of it! Thank you all for making my crafts and letting me feel a part of your day that way. THANK YOU it looks like you all had so much fun and Deanna, where did you get that black and white sweater? TOO CUTE!! Krissy I can't WAIT to see what you plan for next year you are food at this so it will be great and I AGET TO COME TO NEXAT YEAR'S EVENT! woohoo! i AM SO PROUD OF YOU ALL AND LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!! XO Dez

Anonymous said...

oh good grief i cannot type or spell!! sorry for the messed up comments lol... krissy i mean to say you are GOOD at this not FOOD at this lol I am the one always related to FOOD haha YOU are chocolate! lol... anyways, Kely you look beautiful and can't wait to see that baby finally! Mare and Caryn you both are quite crafty in your own rights so you look right at home doing those crafts! and Deanna of course what a great sweater jamie is coming to raid your closet! you look great too by the way. Mom as usualy is holding court over all us girls and its nice now that we are all older and actually FRIENDS with our mother and each other. We hvae a unique and wonderful and close family and I am SO proud of that and I know Mom is too. Sister Corn, WELCOME TO THE FLUD FAMILY and thank you for sharing your time and skills and sewing machine, I can't wait to meet you! Ok guys as usual I can go on forever I'm sorry, I always get so carried away but I LOVE MY FAMIY so much!! see you all soon XO Dez

D and C said...

I had a blast. Thanks for letting us crash your house. You are awesome. I love you guys. Can't wait for next year!!!

MARE + 3= CRAZY!!! said...

YEAH FOR US!! Wow that was sure a great time. I was so glad to be able to come up there & hang with my lovies. I miss you guys all of you so so much. It was just so awesome to spend time with you guys. I miss your kids, my mom & dad & just being all together. It was a ton of fun & I can't wait for next year. Mostly bc I hope we are there & I won't have to fly.

Thanks for making a great trip sister, mom, dad & everyone.

Love Mare