Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

10/21/11: We went to the Pumpkin Patch. The kids were super excited. I am glad that Justin still gets excited about these things. Sometimes he acts "so old" you never know. This is also why there are more pictures of Lauren then Justin, he is loosing interest in posing for pictures for me....he would rather just hang out next to dad looking cool! Lauren on the other hand loves taking pictures, so at least I still have her to look silly!!
We took a hay bale ride out to the pumpkin patch and searched for pumpkins, we originally told the kids to keep it small, but then of course Jp starts in and before you know it both kids had huge pumpkins. Justin's was 41 lbs. and Laurens was 32 lbs. YIKES!!! They are perfect carving size though. I will add the carving pictures after we do it.
Also, the kids are dressed in their school spirit wear, every Friday is spirit wear day!! So cute!

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