Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Justin's first Pine Wood Derby

Here his car is 4th from the left

Here his car is 3rd from the left

Here, his car is the one first on the left.

This is his face after he got 1st place this race.

This is him saying he got 2nd in that race.

05/18/10: Today was Justin's first Pine Wood Derby for Scouts. He was so excited. He waited so long to do this. His car was metallic blue. The pictures don't really show it good, but it was nice. He did 99% of it himself, with the guidance from Dad of course. Jason did really good at letting Justin do it and not taking over. Justin was really proud of his car when it was finished. He also added his own touch by adding one of his Lego guys to the cockpit.
He ended up running right in the middle of the pack for finishes.He got 1st once, and then the rest were second and thirds. He was pretty excited for his first Derby. Him and Jason are already discussing what changes to make for next year. There were a ton of kids there and they all had pretty cool cars too. Justin really enjoyed seeing the other cars that were made. I know that this was a great experience for Justin and Jason to do together and a fun memory to have. So until next year..........

1 comment:

D and C said...

HE IS SO CUTE!!! Seriously. I cannot even stand it. HE is so handsome in his scout uniform. OMG can't believe he is so big!!! LOVED this post.