Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Playing with Emma

7/4/10: OK seriously, can Emma be any cuter!!! I want to eat her up. She is so funny and so cute. Her little face is hilarious. I Love her to pieces. I can't wait for Deanna & Christian to move here so I can see her all the time!!!! We were just hanging out over the 4th of July weekend, her little patriotic dress was so cute. I was playing "Giddy Up Pony" with her and she was laughing so cute!!! I love the last picture, her face is saying "Um Auntie Krissy....I think I am done playing giddy up pony now!!" Hahaha Seriously...don't you just want to bite her face!!!! I love her!!!!

1 comment:

D and C said...

I do want to bite her face! lol!! She is a cutie. We can't wait to be there and be around everyone ALL OF THE TIME. This visiting thing stinks!!!