Monday, March 8, 2010

Baby Emma Munoz

Ok seriously, this was her shower cake that her friend made. The bees are wearing diapers..I mean really!!! So cute.

Ok, this is the cutest thing. Her friend made this hat and matching leg warmers!!!

Her onsie says "I am kind of a BIG deal" So cute!

03/06/10: We went to UT to see Deanna & Christian and most importantly, Emma. Deanna was having two baby showers in one day. So we were gearing up for a long and busy day. But what fun we had. It was so great to meet all of Deanna's friends. Emma is just the cutest thing ever!!! I want to eat her up. She is absolutely beautiful. She has red hair, can you believe it, I love it. If she ends up having red curly hair, I am going to kidnap her for sure!!! We had such fun staying at Deanna's house. Of course with all of us girls there, there was bound to be some fighting and bickering, because that is what we do, but at the end of the day, we were there to love on each other and Emma, and let her know that she has been brought into an amazing family, with so many people to love her beyond belief!!!! She truly is the luckiest baby ever!!! We can't wait to see her in a few weeks for Easter!!! I am sure I will have more pictures of her and we will have more things to say about this precious little til then.......

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

She is the Cutest thing ever!!! I cant wait to see her in april.. asuming that deanna is still going to come to Idaho.