Sunday, January 24, 2010

Lauren's 5th Birthday Party

1/23/10: Lauren had her 5th Birthday party today. It was so much fun and a little crazy. There were 10 girls that came to the party all dressed in their favorite Princess attire. Sleeping Beauty came and did a Princess Glamor party for all the girls, she did their hair and their make-up, and they all painted their nails and made bracelets. Princess Aurora brought Lauren a special book that she signed and addressed to Lauren and she read it to all the girls. It was so great to see the girls so excited to see her. It was very cute.
After Princess Aurora left we dang Happy Birthday and had cupcakes and ice cream. Then we opened presents. What fun that was. It was a great day, but exhausting for me. I was pooped after this was over. Good thing that there will not be another big party for a few years at least. Lauren had the best time and I am sure will remember this forever....she better anyway!!!

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