Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Pie from Scratch

10/24/09: Last night Lauren & I made our first pumpkin pie from scratch. From a real pumpkin, not a can. That was Lauren's idea. Anyway, it was fun. We started by cutting and cleaning out the pie pumpkins, and then cooked them in the microwave. When they were soft, we scooped them out like you do with a cantaloupe. Then pureed them in the food processor til they were nice & smooth. Then we added all the other spices and ingredients. Then we rolled out the crust and poured it in. It smelled so yummy. The final product was yummy, I may tweak the recipe a little next time to soot my taste better. This recipe was a little too strong with the ground clove & all spice. But now we know for next time. I am sure that next time will be sooner then I think. Lauren already wants to make another one. Me too a little. We also made homemade whip cream, the good kind. No Cool Whip here.....only the real stuff!!!!!!


D and C said...

That looks SOOOOOO YUUUMMMMYYY!!!!! I love your domestic side!!! LOVE IT. I want to taste that pie. Save me a piece.
Miss you guys.

MARE + 3= CRAZY!!! said...

this is awesoome. i would have killed for a piece of that pie. tell lauren her auntie mare is so proud of her baking ablilities. that is so cool that you did this together. how fun. maybe we can do it again for christmas when we are there... yep sounds like a plan!